
10 Traits of a Professional Freelance Essay Writer


Students frequently turn for the help offered by special paper writing agencies. They write all types of assignments quickly and precisely as students demand. Accordingly, freelance is on the rise all the time long. Thus, many students want to become professional academic essay writers too. It’s a perfect job for them because they can combine their academic life with this job. Many of them finally prefer it as their main job. Therefore, we’ve decided to write an article that highlights 10 traits every professional freelancer must possess. Even if you don’t want to become a professional writer, our article will be useful. Using its clues, you’ll define a reliable helper.

Great Academic Skills

Firstly, professional freelancers ought to possess advanced academic skills. Most students require writing assistance. Thus, you should be able to write without grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Your texts ought to be logical and readable. In the meanwhile, students may require other kinds of assistance. Therefore, you should obligatorily possess them. Make sure you can also:

  • Rewrite;
  • Insert correct citations;
  • Edit and proofread;
  • Generate relevant topics;
  • Structure every writing section;
  • Make correct references;
  • Craft strong thesis statements;
  • Outline, research, analyze, etc.

Quick Execution of Orders

Secondly, be a swift writer. The speed of writing is of huge importance. You’ll have more clients if you deliver orders on time. Some writers finish essays in only two hours and the others in four hours or longer. Everything depends on the skills you possess. Find and practice different writing techniques and strategies to become the swiftest writer on the Internet.

Work Ethic

If you want to become a respectful and trustworthy freelancer, make sure you stick to ethical norms. Make sure you have a strong work ethic. You should be patient and equally respect every client. Never give empty promises and never share personal information about your clients to anybody else.


A sought-after writer is flexible and quick-minded. Oftentimes, students change their mind and demand to change the direction of their assignment. You ought to be ready for unexpected changes without complaints. Simply adjust your mind to new demands and continue to write.

Continuous Improvement

The most successful and reliable writers continuously improve their skills. You ought to become an eternal learner. No matter how good you are at writing, always try to become a bit better the next time. Read different learning guides, books, manuals, etc. Enlarge your knowledge and widen horizons. Obtain experience in different academic subjects and life matters. Thus, students and many online journals would ask you to write for them.

A Wide Spectrum of Possibilities and Knowledge

It’s important to be a multi-sided expert. If you intend to become a professional writer, you should develop different academic skills. We have mentioned the advanced academic skills, but you need more. If you want to have more clients, you must become a specialist in different disciplines.

Thus, writing English essays may not be enough. Become a specialist in philosophy, history, literature, sociology, etc. If you have a mathematical mind, enlarge your knowledge about algebra, geometry, accounting, physics, and similar disciplines. Moreover, you’re supposed to be able to write different academic assignments. Amongst them are:

  • Essays;
  • Dissertations;
  • Case studies;
  • Laboratory reports;
  • Personal statements;
  • Term and research papers;
  • Research proposals;
  • Speeches;
  • Capstone projects;
  • Literature/movie/book reviews;
  • PowerPoint presentations, etc.

Attention to Details

A true expert is attentive to details. All people are different and they may have different needs. Even though you know the official rules of writing all assignments, be attentive to the wishes of your clients. They may have a different view of how the project must be accomplished. Do exactly what they demand. In case some demands are impossible, explain that to your clients.

100% Uniqueness

As every academic assignment must be unique, a professional writer is obliged to achieve this demand. You should know how to format papers according to APA, MLA, and other writing styles. Besides, use reliable plagiarism-checking applications. They help to identify whether your papers are unique or plagiarized.

Advanced Research Skills

A great writer is simultaneously a great researcher. Never write scientifically-based papers without in-depth research. Make sure you use trustworthy information sources.


The last trait is to be available as frequently as possible. It’s understood that a single person cannot be busy with writing 24/7. Nevertheless, a professional writer always sets strict time limits during which he/she can be always reached. Thus, clients are sure that they may freely receive help during those active working hours.

Keep these traits in your head. Knowing them, students will know what writer to choose and freelancers will understand how to become true professionals. Obligatorily stick to the points mentioned in our article.