apis – TechRado https://www.techrado.com Tech News Around The Globe Sat, 15 May 2021 22:12:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.19 https://www.techrado.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/techrado_favicon_FBj_icon.ico apis – TechRado https://www.techrado.com 32 32 Top E-commerce Apis for Developers [2021] https://www.techrado.com/top-e-commerce-apis-for-developers/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 08:51:38 +0000 https://techrado.com/?p=1830

Working List of E-commerce APIS :

1.Best Buy API:

 Best Buy API suite allows you to query Products, Stores and much more. Explore their data, browse descriptions of the available attributes and see examples of working requests and responses.

  • API Endpoint
  • Authentication Required: Yes

2.Bratabase API:

Bratabase has a huge database of different bra sizes,you can search and explore different types of bra from their apis.

3.Ebay API:

Ebay is multinational e-commerce platform, using their apis you can search, sell and buy any product.

  • API Endpoint
  • Authentication Required:No

4.Wal-Mart Open API

Product Lookup API gives access to item price and availability in real-time. Item id needs to be specified for doing a lookup. Response type returned is full response.

  • API Endpoint
  • Authentication Required:YES


5.Wegmans API:

Wegmans offers this suite of APIs to be used for special events only. It is not currently available to the public. Special event attendees can discover and learn about the Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. suite of APIs.

  • API Endpoint
  • Authentication Required:YES
Top 5 Public Free Apis of Animes [2021] https://www.techrado.com/top-5-public-free-apis-of-animes-2019/ https://www.techrado.com/top-5-public-free-apis-of-animes-2019/#respond Sun, 09 Jun 2019 22:10:00 +0000 https://techrado.com/?p=1762 Ever wanted to make something cool for your next project.Here are the public free apis you can use to make something Cool.

1.MyAnimeList API:
The API lets users interact with the site’s data. Functionality includes site search, anime and manga listing, and account verification. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in XML.It helps too provide cosplay costumes 2020 

API Endpoint
Authentication Required:YES

2.AniList API:
The AniList GraphQL Api provides quick and powerful access to over 500k anime and manga entries, including character, staff, and live airing data. The AniList & AniChart websites themselves run on the Api, so everything you can do on the sites, you can do via the Api.

API Endpoint
Authentication Required:YES

3.Kitsu API:
The API lets users interact with the site’s data programatically. Functionality includes site search, anime and manga listing, and account verification. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in XML.

API Endpoint
Authentication Required:YES

4.Studio Ghibli API
The Studio Ghibli API catalogs the people, places, and things found in the worlds of Ghibli. It was created to help users discover resources, consume them via HTTP requests, and interact with them in whatever way makes sense.

API Endpoint
Authentication Required:YES

5.Anime News Network API:
ANN now provides a direct feed to the Encyclopedia data in XML format. There are two parts to the API.
2.Anime/Manga Details

API Endpoint
Authentication Required:YES

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