Apps – TechRado Tech News Around The Globe Wed, 18 Aug 2021 18:37:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Apps – TechRado 32 32 Benefits of Using Xamarin for Mobile app Development Tue, 19 Jan 2021 02:12:20 +0000 Choosing a framework for mobile app development is one of the greatest challenges that a business owner or product owner could potentially encounter. If you are planning to build a mobile app for your business, you need to have a clear understanding about certain parameters that directly or indirectly affects the performance of your apps. This  includes the type of app being developed, 

business rules, platform compatibility and its GUI. Based on the features that you are going to incorporate in your mobile app, selecting a cross-platform or hybrid framework can be a huge advantage because of the fact that it can save a great amount of development time and resources without compromising your mobile apps usability, looks and performance.

Xamarin is a cross-platform app development toolkit that was First released in 2011. This framework allows you to  build native apps that can work on iOS,  Android,  as well as Windows platforms using a single C# codebase. Moreover, Xamarin is backed by the tech giant Microsoft. This guarantees you continuous developer support and framework stability.

Mobile app development on Xamarin is pretty much easy as it uses a single codebase that can be shared across multiple platforms. With this mobile app development framework, you can build mobile apps that can perform similar to that of a  native app. Xamarin accomplishes this by making use of native technologies.

Let’s dive deeper into some of the pros of using this framework and see what makes up this framework ’s unique strengths:

Shared Codebase:

Xamarin gives you the added advantage to work with a single app and deploy that app out to many platforms. This is because Xamarin allows you to reuse upto  95% of code with native performance across iOS, Android, both, or other platforms. Because of this reason you only need to hire only a single team of  Xamarin developers rather than multiple teams of iOS developers working in objective-c or Android developers working in Java. If you are on a tight budget and need to hire Xamarin app developers with lower hourly rates, it is better to hire Xamarin app developers in India or outsource your mobile app development project to an Offshore Software Development Company.

Along with that, Xamarin provides great user experience. The framework accomplishes this by using specific UI elements for both platforms to deliver seamless user experience. 

DevOps Support:

Xamarin  got excellent support for DevOps. One of the greatest features of Xamarin is the pipeline integration that enables mobile app developers to build and compile their app and use DevOps pipelines for continuous deployment and continuous integration. Pipelines also allow developers to push their code automatically to the testing team or users. This comes out as a a great feature especially  if you’re using agile in your organization 

Open Source:

As we mentioned above, Xamarin is open source. Being an open source framework, Xamarin is free to use which means you can download the source code , modify it, change it or you can contribute to it if you want to help improve the product and the developer community. Moreover,Microsoft has included Xamarin now in the visual studio community edition.

Easy Maintenance:

Maintaining or updating a mobile app can be a hard task when you have more than one platform involved. As Xamarin is cross-platform, updating or maintaining apps that are written in Xamarin is pretty much an easy task. Developers only need to do the changes in the source file, and it will automatically be propagated to both platforms. This significantly minimizes the time needed to debug, maintain,  or make changes to the code when necessary. On top of that, you can get real time insights about your mobile app (user activity, active devices, crash history, etc)  with Visual Studio App Center  that comes with Xamarin.  

Suitable for building Minimum Viable Products :

Using Xamarin for your mobile app development project is considered as a good option if you want to develop an MVP that has cross-platform capabilities. Xamarin allows your development  teams to rapidly develop an MVP  without spending more on your development.

Freeing from Hardware Compatibility issues

Xamarin allows the use of plug-ins and supported APIs for cross-platform application development, meaning you are going to enjoy native level interaction with the operating device hardware. This shows that you have no hardware compatibility problems with the Xamarin mobile application development services. When developing applications on the Xamarin platform, it is essential to understand the point that any Xamarin application development company can develop commonly available device-enabled applications that work seamlessly on a diversity of platforms. Further, Xamarin provides you the freedom to bond native libraries to craft the best applications for the most excellent quality customizations.   

Supports Rapid Mobile App Development:

Xamarin is one of the few frameworks that support Rapid Mobile App Development (RMAD). You must be now wondering what RMAD is all about! Rapid Mobile App Development (RMAD) is an approach aimed for developing higher-quality mobile apps within a relatively less amount of time. When compared to traditional app development, Rapid Mobile App Development uses code-free programming tools,  early prototyping, etc. RMAD is targeted mainly for subject matter experts who don’t  necessarily have good technical knowledge and coding skills.

With all the cool benefits that this framework offers, Xamarin is undeniably the best mobile app development framework that you can choose for your next cross platform mobile app development project. With Microsoft’s strong support and periodic updates, as well as an expanding developer community, the future of this framework looks bright.

Mobile App Development Consulting: Its Role for Your Business App Tue, 12 Jan 2021 15:55:35 +0000 When thinking about creating their own application, business owners want to get a product that is both user-friendly and useful for business. They also want the developers to have a good understanding of how to develop and scale that app.

This is when mobile app development consulting comes to the rescue. The task of consulting service is to analyze the options, fully understand the limitations and opportunities of the current situation, and choose the strategy which can be implemented in the best way. Check more details at

A mobile app consultant is necessary for every mobile startup. Because he’s the guarantor of success. He knows what needs to be done to make the product come to life, be quality, valuable to the user, and thrive.

A consulting agency includes professionals with different roles who work to get the best solution that meets the client’s goals and requirements.

Why your company needs mobile app development consulting

Most often, two reasons stop CEOs from hiring mobile app development consulting. These are the following biases:

  1. We already have people in the company who are already doing all this.
  2. This, for sure, will slow down the well-established production process.

A competent mobile consultant will help you not to waste time in vain. He will be able to see the picture of the development of the business application as a whole like no other. Here are four main reasons why you should hire mobile app development consulting.

  1. Consulting knows what is needed on the market

Competent analysis of the market is the key to the long-term development of the company and its mobile application. It is more important to understand what your customers want than to blindly follow the latest technological trends. Focusing on customer needs makes companies 31% more profitable.

Studying feedback from users will help both to adjust the existing product and catch an interesting idea for implementation.

  1. Consulting will help save time

A well-organized process of creating and launching a product helps to reduce both the time for its production and speed up the moment of making a profit. This is exactly the task of a mobile consultant. After conducting a thorough analysis of the market and user reviews after testing the product, you can pay more attention to working out the details and a competent PR strategy.

  1. Consultation helps to see one step ahead

Let’s say you designed a product and launched it on the market. Now it is important to track its further path, to understand what to correct or how to consolidate and expand your success. To do this, you will need a plan, or rather a route. From the point of departure (where did the idea start, does the resulting product correspond to the original concept?) through prototyping (selecting the best options), product launch (tracking reactions), and to the following goals (how to get ahead of the competition?).

Such a plan is important for internal communication within the company. This way, each department can better understand what stage the business is at and what the next steps are. It is also useful for comparing the success of your team with the achievements of competitors.

  1. Consulting helps you to deal with your competitors in the right way

Even if your product is the best on the market, someone can beat you. Competitors can come up with a more functional application. A competent consultant adopts the best practices from competitors. Constant monitoring of competitive offers allows you to keep your application up-to-date, not allowing you to lag behind the movement of the entire market.

In short, consulting is designed to cover the following range of tasks:

  • generate ideas and hypotheses for the functional content of the app;
  • monitor consumer trends;
  •  research consumers process the information obtained, and form practical conclusions to be used in the development of the application;
  • analyze competitive offers;
  • prototype new solutions and form requirements for the product;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of investments;
  • plan work on application development, prepare technical tasks, and assign tasks to performers;
  • test solutions;
  • participate in the launch of the application;
  • constantly conduct work on the development of the product.

The perfect mobile app is the kind of app that will bring your business new revenue! Therefore, approach the idea of developing a mobile application consciously. Do not neglect to contact mobile app development consulting.


How can android spyware reduce the side effects of social media on kids? Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:25:25 +0000 Social media has become a very important part of everyone’s life recently. From adults to kids, everyone is constantly using social media platforms throughout the day. Social media platforms have a lot of advantages and benefits and that is one of the main reasons people get addicted to it so easily. Some of the most popular social media platforms are WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These platforms are very popular because they are free and easy to use. Social media allows users to interact with people from all over the world. If these social media platforms are used properly then they can help in the growth of any business and can be very helpful for parents and kids. Parents cannot stay with their kids throughout the day and with the help of social media they can constantly stay in touch with them and contact them whenever they want. You can share photos, videos, news, ideas, new content, etc. easily on social media platforms. Hence, all the social media platforms are extremely helpful and have numerous advantages.

Kids continuously use social media throughout the day and that is why they get easily addicted to it. They can easily communicate with their friends and the social media works as an escape for the kids from the real world. Whenever kids feel alone or away from family, they use social media to get rid of the loneliness. Every kid has a mobile phone and that is why kids can easily access social media constantly throughout the day. In a way social media also helps kids in studies but excess use of these platforms is very bad and can be dangerous for both physical as well as mental health. 

How can android spyware make a difference?

There are numerous cyber bullies and cyber predators on social media, and they can be very dangerous for kids. The cyber bullies and cyber predators can have a long-lasting effect on the mental health of kids. Excess use of social media can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia, and many other harmful diseases. That is why it becomes necessary for parents to keep their kids safe from all the harmful and negative effects of social media addiction. The spy app for android is one of the best ways for parents to keep their kids safe from all the harmful and dangerous effects of social media platforms. Parents can monitor all the activities that kids do on social media platforms with the help of android spyware. You can track all the social media platforms of kids. In short, the spy app for android can also be used as WhatsApp tracker. Here, we have mentioned some of its features that can make a difference in monitoring kid’s activities on social media platforms and on internet.

1. Control Mobile Usage

Parents can closely monitor the mobile usage of kids throughout the day with the help of android spyware. The android spy software gives all the control of kids’ mobile phone in the parents’ hands. Parents can see all the android apk installed on the kids’ smart phone. If parents find any harmful applications on the kids device that can be dangerous for kids mental health then they can talk to their kids about it and they can also block such application to keep their kids safe and protected. Hence, the spy apps for android give the total control of the mobile phones of kids in the hands of parents.

2. Monitor Internet Use

The android spyware helps parents to monitor all the activities that kids do on internet. There is a lot of adult and violent content available on internet that can be dangerous for kids, so it becomes important for parents to monitor kids internet activities. With the help of spy apps for android parents can see all the visited websites along with its specific URL’s. They can check the browsing history anytime and know the exact time and date when a specific website has been visited. Parents can also see how many times a specific website has been visited. If any website is harmful for kids, then parents can instantly block such websites.  

3. Track Social Media Platforms

Parents can know with whom their kid is talking and what they are talking about on every social media platform and on text messages. Android spyware allows parents to know all the content of any message and the name and number of the sender or receivers. As we know that there are so many cyber bullies and cyber predators on social media platforms so if kids get in contact with them then parent can know about it immediately. It is difficult for kids to share everything with their parents and parents cannot protect their kids if they do not know about the problems. So, with this feature parents can easily use android spyware as WhatsApp tracker and other social media platforms. 

4. Location Tracking

It is very important and necessary because this way parents can know where the kids are whenever they are out. This way whenever the parents are at work or kids are going out. This way parents can know the exact location of the kids and if they are at any harmful or dangerous place then parents can know about it and keep them safe. Parents can also mark safe and unsafe areas on a map with the help of geofencing feature. So, whenever the device leaves the safe areas or enters the unsafe areas then parents will get instantly notified about it. Hence, parents do not have to worry anymore whenever the kids are out as they can instantly check their location with the help of this feature.

There are so many android spywares available in the market and it becomes difficult to choose the best parental control app to keep the kids safe. The spy app for android offers a lot of features and parents can use it easily. Parents can easily install android spy software on the kids’ mobile phone. Parents just need to register their e-mail address and after that they will get all the updates. The android monitoring software are easy to use and with its amazing features parents can easily monitor all the activities that kids do on mobile phones and internet. So, if parents find anything suspicious or harmful then they can instantly talk to their kids and protect them from any kind of harmful dangers.

Best Games And Puzzle Apps For Seniors! Thu, 12 Nov 2020 17:20:27 +0000 f you thought technology and gaming are only for the millennial population, give it a second thought. Senior citizens are also equally interested in modern-day apps and technologies. Ones with a decent smartphone are in for a lot of opportunities. And if you have a senior adult at home or work, suggest them these fantastic game apps to stay engaged and active: 

  1. Two Dots

This is a straightforward yet challenging dot-matching game that comes with soothing background sounds, pleasing visuals, and highly addictive gameplay. It has an intuitive interface, the moves are limited, but one may uncover the tricks as they escalate. It’s one of the best game apps for seniors – they can’t go wrong with it!

  1. BlockuDoku

Amongst the several block games available on the application stores, BlockuDoku is our most favorite. It’s easy, fun, and super absorbing. Once anyone tries this game and gets the hang of the gameplay, they won’t be able to put it down. It’s a fantastic combination of blocks with Sudoku. One’s aim is to simply match the blocks to make most lines and squares, which will keep the board clean. The messier board remains, the sooner one loses. The more blocks are removed the better one scores. It sounds easy, but it gets more challenging as one escalates, though it keeps up with its charm until the final move. 

  1. Words with Friends Classic

Here’s another puzzle that allows seniors to keep themselves mentally active. If they’ve ever played Scrabble, they’ll love this one as well. It’s a popular vocabulary game that also enables one to compete against other virtual players. There’s solo playing if they like it that way and a ton of other unique features. Words with Friends is an excellent social app that’ll keep just anyone hooked. 

  1. Disjoint

Disjoint takes the players around the journey of Hobo and Lucky, two unlikely friends, to find the hidden treasure. This game’s like no other treasure hunt – it’s an adventurous, mind-bending, never seen before kind of a puzzle. It has the right amount of charm and quirkiness, and an easy to follow a storyline. Disjoint is undoubtedly worth checking out, for it’s fun, engaging, and appealing. 

  1. Lumosity

With over 40 different puzzles, the Lumosity app has everything for everyone. There are games as one adapts while escalating to different levels. One can play math, vocabulary, reasoning, science-based, and problem-solving puzzles that are fun and engaging. Each level is well crafted to remain as interactive as possible for seniors as well. 

So there you have it – a quick list of the best five puzzles for seniors. Our favorite amongst these are the BlockuDoku block game and Two Dots. Let us know the ones you liked!

A Realtors Marketing Toolbox Fri, 23 Oct 2020 01:17:12 +0000 Real estate is a large and highly competitive market. Thus, as a realtor, it is imperative to stand out among the rest. However, you may be unsure of marketing solutions you can use to maximize and practically grow your business. Remember, the effectiveness of your marketing efforts will determine the growth and success of your business. Here are tools you must have in your marketing toolbox to grow your business beat your rivals: 


As a Realtor, you should be active on Facebook. This platform enables you to strengthen relationships with your previous clients. Moreover, Facebook allows you to connect with prospects and other stakeholders who may help your business grow beyond your imagination. 

Facebook will allow you to create awareness about your brand and the solutions you have for your target audience. Posting informative and professional content on your Facebook page often will keep your followers informed and engaged.

This marketing tool can also help in lead generation. It allows you to reach a wide scale of potential clients and convert them into buyers. Besides, Facebook features make it easier for you to advertise your property to a specific audience within a particular location without breaking your bank.

How you take care of your customers’ needs and the quality of service you offer determines your success. Facebook allows you to enhance your customer service delivery. Using it will enable you to serve and respond to your clients without delay. It also grants you an opportunity to cultivate long-term connections with your customers, increasing your repeat business chances. 

Zillow Premier Agent App

Zillow Premier Agent App is a great tool to grow your real estate business. It helps you to empower your audience with helpful information and draw them to your business. Using it will give you access to exclusive features that will improve your online visibility and reinforce a live connection with your clients. 

Zillow Premier Agent App enables you to track searched, viewed, and saved homes. It also allows personalized communication with your real estate business clients. Moreover, by using Zillow, you can schedule tasks, set reminders, and notifications through your mobile device, which will keep you on your toes and ensure you do not miss out on important appointments or projects.

Through Zillow Premier Agent App, you can choose where to grow your business. It is one of the highly trafficked platforms to optimize your lead generation and enjoy personal branding. 

 Wise Pelican

Wise Pelican is a direct mail marketing solution for realtors. It is an incredible platform that allows you to connect with prospects in a specific geographical area directly. By incorporating other tools with Wise Pelican like postcard templates for real estate and mail list builders, you can gain a competitive edge in your target market. 

Real estate postcards give your prospects an overview of your property. Using this tool allows you to connect with your potential customers on a personal level. Moreover, it enhances trust, which is an essential aspect of business dealings. 

Mail list builder allows you to build a customized mailing list. This list-builder tool gives you a chance to target a specific audience based on a particular condo in the area. By targeting particular zones and promoting property surrounding that geographical location, you will draw spontaneous attention to individuals interested in that market area. Thus, you will have higher chances of making sales. 

Wise Pelican is a user-friendly and automated platform you can use to nurture leads for a long time. Use it to communicate with your target market and cultivate a good reputation for your real estate business. 

Instagram – IGTV

Instagram – IGTV has gained popularity in real estate marketing. It is a simple way for realtors to show off their property. Use it to display your projects effortlessly in less than 60 seconds through your mobile device. 

Moreover, Instagram – IGTV grants you a chance to share your video content to a broad market. You can upload multiple pictures and videos about your business on Instagram, which enables you to expand your market and grow your online presence. 

Real Geeks

Real Geeks is a user-friendly marketing solution for real estate agents for nurturing and converting leads into sales. Remember, first impression matters, and being in a modern business world, you must ensure your website is appealing to your visitors. That is why you need Real Geeks. You can develop and publish a site that will draw potential leads to your business using this platform. 

Real Geeks allows you to describe your brand in an appealing way. Besides, it sends lead generation alerts, making it possible to communicate with your prospects in real-time. You can track all your lead engagements, schedule appointments, and keep a record of your potential customers through this tool.


YouTube is an incredible platform for realtors to create awareness and increase your client base. This marketing tool has gained popularity over the years. It is used by both consumers and businesses, making it also an ideal solution for you. You can meet lots of potential clients on YouTube.

A video on YouTube showing off your property can earn you a great deal. Besides, it is a cost-effective way to enhance your brand publicity and demonstrate the upcoming soon projects. Investing quality time in filming a good video of your property is rewarding for your real estate business. 

People out there want to know who they are dealing with before making any purchasing decisions. YouTube gives you an opportunity to create awareness of your brand, nurture market trust, and demonstrate your abilities. Moreover, this platform allows you to target a comprehensive market and focus your interests on specific demographics. It gives you that capability to show up your ads to your targeted audience.

These tools will make your real estate business successful. Using them will save you time and money. There are other multiple marketing tools you can consider as a realtor. However, taking time to decide what suits you and your business needs will create a difference between you and your competitors. Ensure you use tools that will scale your business to greater levels and help you stand out from the rest regardless of the competition.

How to Take an Awesome Photo with an Android Phone Sat, 30 May 2020 06:20:51 +0000 So you’ve gotten your hands on a brand new Android phone and want to begin capturing precious moments. Today’s technology makes it as easy as pointing and shooting – but that alone won’t capture photos of the highest quality. What else does it take to really make that photo praiseworthy? 

It seems that with each passing year, the number of camera lenses, megapixels and proprietary technologies included on various Android phones only grows – all of which are designed to capture higher-quality, higher-resolution photos. Yet there are some tricks to taking the very best photos possible.

Let’s look at how you can take an awesome photo with your Android phone, regardless of manufacturer or model.

Use an Up-to-Date Android Phone

Every year, new and improved camera technologies and specifications emerge with the latest Android releases. If maximizing the potential of your photography is the goal, then having an up-to-date phone is one simple tip you’ll want to embrace. The best Android phone for photography 2020 has to offer will likely feature multiple cameras, several dozen megapixels of capture potential and a variety of image-improving solutions, such as nighttime capture potential, image stabilization and no-flash technology. 

Clean Your Lens

It may seem like a no-brainer, but many Android owners fail to consider that their lenses (or areas covering them, in the event you’re using a fully-enclosed case) need to be sparkling clean for maximum photo potential. The best option for cleaning an Android phone camera lens is a microfiber cloth or a moist piece of cotton used with distilled water (to avoid depositing any impurities on the lens). Allow the lens to air dry if applicable and enjoy clearer, more focused photos with your Android phone!

Make Lighting Your Ally

Every opportunity for a photo will naturally present different lighting situations. Whether it’s an outdoor, mid-day setting or an indoor environment at night, making the most use of ambient lighting wherever possible is crucial. It’s best to have the most prominent form of lighting above or behind you when taking the photo, as this will ensure the camera has enough illumination to capture the photo properly. While you can use your phone’s flash to increase the lighting, capturing great photos in low light generally avoids this whenever possible.

Take a Variety of Photos

It never hurts to be prepared, and it likewise is a good idea to take multiple photos of a single subject to ensure the best photo. While some Android phones include features that take a rapid succession of photos in order to select the best one, manually doing the same to ensure optimal photography outcomes is still recommended. You can always delete the unneeded alternatives, after all.

Avoid Zoom When Possible

Even with unprecedented zoom capability and image quality available on Android phones today, zooming in when taking a photo will naturally reduce its quality. This is why making the most of photography without zooming in can produce truly awesome photos. While not every photo you wish to take can be done so without the use of zoom, higher resolutions now mean taking photos at 1x zoom can still be enlarged to enjoy high-quality without the need for zooming in (learn the differences between optical, digital and hybrid zooms by clicking here). 

Be sure to employ these five tips to generate truly awesome Android phone photos: if you follow them, you’ll be able to capture professional-grade photography with many modern Android devices!

The Challenges of Developing an Educational App Thu, 28 May 2020 02:17:23 +0000 As we all know, online education is now in high demand. The app development industry is booming like never before, and many developers are rushing to launch a new educational app. However, not everything you find on the internet is of quality, and there are many challenges that an app developer must overcome in order to achieve success. So if you’re brand new in the app development industry and you would like to learn more about these challenges, you can find them here.

  1. Finding the right niche 

If you want to build an educational app that will stay alive in the market, you need to find something that people want to actually learn. But also, keep in mind that educational app development is highly demanded, and it might get quite hard to find a niche without that much competition. So you might need to think about bringing something new to the table. 

  1. Features 

Speaking of bringing something to the table, features can make or break your creation. You need to add as many features as possible that will enhance the user experience, and help you differentiate from the competition. 

Things such as progress tracking, pop-up notifications, and personalization features are great additions to your app. They help to keep the users more engaged, and that’s exactly what you need — a loyal user base. 

  1. Promotion 

For just about any business out there, promotion is key to its survival. Without it, there will be no people to know about it, and that means that there will be no customers or users in our case. Make sure to properly advertise your app. 

However, keep in mind that promotion and quality work well together. As we’ve said, you can’t do anything without a good marketing campaign. But if you focus on advertising more than the app itself, you’ll most likely achieve the exact opposite of what you wanted, and that is negative advertising. 

It’s quite a delicate thing, you really need to know what parts of your app make it worthy to be advertised. If you bring false promises to your target audience, it’s pretty obvious that you might end up with some serious backlash.

  1. Providing updates 

As you might have known, launching the app does not mean that the project is done, it’s actually quite far from being finished. You’ll need to improve your application constantly in order to keep up with the pace.

Also, providing updates right after launch is crucial for building a loyal user base. Show people that you actually listen to them, and focus on their feedback. See what they think you’ve done right, and what you’ve done wrong, then update the app based on their opinions, and make your users happy. It will definitely be worth it.

  1. Security 

We all know that the internet can often be a hotspot for hackers that prey on users. That’s why you need to put a heavy emphasis on security, especially if you charge people for a monthly subscription, let’s say, via credit card. 

This is a challenge that pretty much every app development company has to face, and it is getting progressively harder since hackers seem to always find new ways to exploit the app’s vulnerability. 


With that being said, developing an educational app that at least has a chance to succeed can prove to be quite difficult. This side of the industry is continuously expanding, and it might be hard to find a spot where some light can shine on you, and you really need to fight for it. 

However, if you get to overcome the challenges we’ve listed here, the app has a pretty good chance to stand against the test of time.

Trending Apps Developed Using Xamarin Cross-Platform Development Fri, 13 Mar 2020 13:01:28 +0000 Cross-platform app development is considered to be the biggest advantage of the present world. This is making companies run to target the audience on both the top platforms – Android and iOS. As a result, it has managed to generate a good amount of revenue.

There are so many advantages of going for cross-platform apps that are making leading companies hire Xamarin developers. Whether it is the manufacturing sector, hospitality industry, or even the gaming domain, everyone is going for the mobile app development for cross-platform.

While the conventional procedures and way to deal with programming improvement prompted extra advancement time, expenses, and client disappointment, DevOps overcomes any barrier among advancement and activities and conquers the difficulties related to consistent programming conveyance. If you want to be an expert in it, then join Intellipaat DevOps certification of training today.

There are a number of industries that are opting for the cross-platform app development with Xamarin potential sector. To give you an idea about it, here are the topnotch mobile apps in the market that are ruling the sector developed using Xamarin.

1: MRW

If you are not aware of MRW then let us explain a bit to you. It is an international express transport company based in Spain that operates in 1,300 franchises around Gibraltar, Andorra, Portugal, Spain, and Venezuela. 

The MRW app offers the service to 2,500 concurrent users that take leverage of the service. The app was first available on the Windows platform and later is adopted on the Android as well. What makes it different is no major difference in its native performance on both the platforms.

There is no need to write the whole code again in the Android platform to develop the MRW app. Instead, Xamarin was used to reuse the code and use existing skill sets. It is stated that the iOS app will be soon launched with code-sharing going to 90%.

2: Olo

It is a food ordering app that is developed using Xamarin that manages the delivery of the food from the restaurants to the clients. It keeps the track of the food delivery activities from the start (ordering) till the delivery. 

The app is a single-window interface that is a great platform to satiate the hunger of the clients. Olo works with approximately 150 restaurants and offers personalized services to them with over 30 million end-users. 

The restaurants can carter to the services easily using DevOps to enhance customer engagement and work smoothly.

3: Skulls of the Shogun

This is an arcade game that focuses on strategies and is launched for Xbox, Steam, Windows 8, Windows Phone, and Windows 10. The popular game works on the 17-bit that is slowly expanding the user base. 

The code was developed for the Android platform with the help of Monogame and Xamarin. On top of that, the app is one of the most liked games with the multiplayer game-play shared backend. The best thing is that it targets several consoles and platforms to enhance the overall development process.

4: Insightly

The app is all about project management and CRM as a comprehensive form. The different verticals focus on on-stop solutions to ensure that app development is done perfectly. It is the best way to monetize the app and ensure that all the data is updated properly. 

Xamarin platform is the majorly used one by the mobile app development company due to its compatible nature with Android and iOS devices.  These apps are just a few that are more than enough to give us insight on what it holds for us and how it will help us in the future.

Do you have some exciting app examples? Feel free to share them in the comment section.

Mom-and-Pop Rental Operations Will Benefit From Property Management Software Wed, 11 Mar 2020 12:16:46 +0000 Property management apps are getting popular due to the convenience they provide. Simply put, they make the lives of the landlords and tenants more comfortable. The software gives a platform to promote better communication and relationship between the owner and the occupant.

With the popularity of the software solution, it is understandable that developers will jump on the bandwagon. Try searching for “rental property management software” on Google, and you will get millions and millions of results.

The 2015 American Housing Survey revealed that there are almost 49 million residential units for rent in the country. Of the total, nearly 44 million were occupied. A significant number of these investors can be classified as mom-and-pop landlords who own single or duplex homes. They likely depend on the rent for their monthly subsistence.

Mom-and-pop landlords have survived for many years using their old ways. They are hesitant in trying new technologies that would help them manage their properties. To a certain extent, they can get away with the old method since they live in the property anyway. It means they can build a relationship with their tenants, or address repairs and maintenance issues right away.

However, just because the old method worked does not mean that it could not be improved.

What is a Property Management Software

Rental property management software allows you to manage your business using a single platform. You need to create an account as the property manager. But you also invite your tenants to create their own accounts.

Once those are finished, you can start using the app right away. Here are some of the features of the rental property management software:

  • Online rent payments — It means you do not need to go door-to-door to collect the monthly dues from your tenants. They only have to transfer money to your account using the software. They can even enroll their debit or credit cards into the technology, set the rental amount, then forget about it. The software will automatically deduct the amount from their account at a specific date.
  • Maintenance and repair complaints — Your tenants will avoid the awkward phone calls asking you to fix a leaking faucet or a damaged doorknob. They only input the problem on the software, upload the photo so that you are aware of the extent of the damage. You can then purchase the necessary replacement materials based on the picture sent to your account. It is quick and painless.
  • Tenant screening — This is another crucial feature that would significantly make your life easier. The background check feature allows you to determine if the candidate has a previous criminal record, eviction record, or bad history credit. The screening feature also enables you to see if the candidate has a steady job to afford your monthly rent.
  • List vacant rooms — Have you seen all those beautiful photos on property listing pages? You might think that they hired professional photographers. With the use of the rental property management software, you can now have a dedicated page with your own listing in it. Your home will also be featured on Zillow or to reach out to more prospects.

Those are some of the features that even small landlords will enjoy. But do not think for a second that you will only enjoy the solutions outlined above. There are still multiple things that are not touched here for lack of space. But hopefully, the article showed enough to convince you to consider buying a property management software for your business.

MX Player Pro Apk for Android Wed, 25 Sep 2019 09:55:14 +0000 Hey friends! You are welcome to this page. If you are searching for MX Player Pro Apk or any information about the App, then congrats! You have landed on the right page. In this article, we are going to provide you all the essential information about the MX Player Pro Apk. Everyone knows about the Apk. But, there are so many facts are there that are still known by only a few people.

Therefore, in this article, we have mentioned all the necessary details about the MX player Pro App. It is the most popular video player App. Hence, it is crucial to know everything about it before downloading it. We have mentioned everything that you should know before using the App. So, let’s not waste more and move further in the article.

MX Player Pro Apk

MX Player is the world’s most popular video player. It is known for its incredible features. The player supports all audio formats like MP3, MPEG, AAC, Wav, AC-3, etc. It is the only player that supports multi-core decoding. And this feature makes it the best video player.


And the MX Player Pro is the paid or you can say the premium version of the MX player. You will enjoy some advanced features in the MX Player Pro. If you don’t like irritating Ads while playing your videos on MX Player, then also MX player Pro can help you. It is ad-free and offers advanced features.

Download MX Player Pro Apk

MX Player Review

MX Player Pro is the best and excellent video player for Android. I was using the free version of the app before. That was also good and better than other video players. It is the only player that supports multi-core decoding. The performance of the player is too good. But in the free version, I was fed up of the unwanted Ads. Therefore, I started using MX Player Pro.

MX Player Pro is the Ad-free and the advanced version of the MX Player. That means you will not encounter any unwanted Ads while enjoying your videos. With this, the Pro version also provides so many advanced features. The best feature that I loved the most is that it supports almost all audio formats. And also it supports several subtitle formats too.

However, you might encounter some bugs while using it. But we can hope that they will be fixed in the upcoming versions of the MX Player Pro. Otherwise, MX Player Pro is too right in performance as well as it provides incredible features.

Features of MX Player Pro

  1. The MX Player Pro comes with HW+ decoder. It helps in applying the hardware acceleration to the videos.
  2. Multi-Core Decoding is one of the best and unique feature. It makes the performance of the player better.
  3. There are so many options that are included. Like Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Zoom Pan options. You can pinch and swipe in and out for Zooming in and out. And Zoom Pan can also be done by the Option.
  4. The most important and attractive feature of the Player is Subtitle Gesture. You can scroll Forward and Backward to move next and previous subtitle text. You can also set the position of the text by moving it up and down. And change the text size by zooming it in and out, if you want.
  5. A special plugin is also there which can be used as Child Lock. You children cannot touch other apps or other data if they have your mobile device.

Supported Subtitle Formats

  • WebVTT(.vtt)
  • DVD, DVB, SSA/ASS subtitle tracks
  • PJS(.pjs)
  • SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.ass) with full styling
  • Teletext
  • SAMI(.smi) with Ruby tag support
  • TMPlayer(.txt)
  • SubRip(.srt)
  • MPL2(.mpl)
  • MicroDVD(.sub)
  • 0(.sub)
  • VobSub(.sub/.idx)


What is MX Player Pro?

MX Player Pro is the most popular MPEG4 and Movie Player for Android devices. It is helpful in Hardware Acceleration also. With this, it can easily do subtitles gesturing, multi-core decoding, and many more advanced tasks.

How can I get free from MX Player Ads?

You can quickly get rid of unwanted and irritating Ads. All you have to do is to get the MX Player Pro. This version does not contain any Ad. However, other methods are also available to remove Ads from MX Player.

How can I download Videos from MX Player Online?

You can Download Videos from MX Player Online by following the instructions mentioned below.

  • Firstly, Stream your desired video on MX Player.
  • After that, tap on the three horizontal dots (Options Menu) from the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Now, Go to the Tools. And then select the Share
  • Then Copy it to the Clipboard.
  • Now, open ADM (Advanced Download Manager).
    If you don’t have any then install it from Playstore.
  • Then Tap on the Add (+) A popup will now appear.
  • It will now detect the file and start downloading.

Can we download videos from MX Player?

Yes, you can download videos from MX Player. You can even save your favorite videos offline. This feature will help you to play your favorite videos anytime and anywhere even when you don’t have an active Internet Connection. You can find your offline videos in the Download Tab on the home page of the MX player.

Final Verdict

So, that’s it for this information guide. That was all about the MX Player Pro Apk. We tried to include every necessary detail about the world’s most popular video player. I hope you will like the shared information. This information will help you to understand and use the App better. Therefore, we suggest you read the article carefully. And if you find some problem related to this topic, then you can share it with us in the comments section. We are here to help you.


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