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Top Machine Learning Courses For 2021

machine learning courses

In the world of digitalization, the future of technology is machine learning and artificial intelligence. In fact, it is being adopted presently, and organizations will soon be shifting over these new trends. There is a shortage of skilled ML experts to fill the gap of thousands of open ML job roles.

Machine learning is ideal for professionals who are interested in working with real and complex challenges. Businesses have become more complicated and facing a lot of competition that machine learning can help them overcome. It also offers you various career options once you choose to become an ML engineer and acquire the required skills. The high-paying salary in machine learning makes it a lucrative career option for everyone. It gives high satisfaction during work, such that the professionals stay enthusiastic and accountable for their work.

Many statistics show that AI and ML are penetrating the industry at an unprecedented pace. Several sectors in the industry like healthcare, retail, education, supply chain, manufacturing, logistics, BFSI, and many government sectors are adopting AI and ML applications, so the demand for skilled professionals in ML is increasing. Thus, this domain’s career option is proved to be an excellent choice to build and polish your portfolio and career path.

This article will tell you about the best Machine Learning online courses and certifications that help land your dream job.

Top Machine Learning Courses in 2021

Several reputed providers can help you with their top-ranked certifications in machine learning. Some of the best courses are mentioned below.

  • Machine Learning Certification Course by Simplilearn

This course can make you explore machine learning concepts and understand how it’s transforming the digital world. It provides all the skills you need to become a Machine Learning Engineer to unlock this emerging sector’s power. You will learn to work with real-time data, regression, classification, time series modeling, developing algorithms using supervised and unsupervised learnings. This course covers the skills such as Linear and logistic regression, time series modeling using Python to draw predictions from data. It also offers lifetime access to high-quality self-paced eLearning content curated by industry experts.

  • Machine Learning by Coursera

This course is based upon the open course programming language Octave for the assignment, instead of R or Python, as octave is a simple way to learn the basics of ML for beginners. This course includes topics like Linear regression with One variable, Linear algebra review, Linear regression with multiple variables, Matlab/Octave tutorials, Regularization, Logistic regression, Neural Networks: representation, Anomaly detection, Dimensionality reduction, Recommender system, application example-Photo OCR, and Large scale Machine Learning. With completing this course, you will have a good knowledge of machine learning in about 4 months, and you can easily switch to more advanced topics like ML Engineering or Deep Learning.

  •  Machine Learning — EdX 

 It is an advanced Machine learning course that has the highest math prerequisite. So you must have a firm grasp of Calculus, Algebra, and Programming. It has interesting programming assignments in Octave and Python.

This course is structured to learn topics such as Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Least-Squares, Linear regression, Nearest Neighbour Classification, Linear classifiers, Bayes Classifiers, Perceptron. Ridge regression, Bias- variance, maximum a Posteriori Inference, and Bayes Rule. Clustering, EM Algorithm, K-Means, Missing data. Maximum Margin, SVM ( Support Vector Machines), Boosting, Random Forest, Trees. Logistic regression, Kernel methods, Laplace approximation, Gaussian Process. Markov Models, Hidden Markov models, Model selection, Continuous State-space Models, Association analysis.

  • Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders —

It is an excellent, free Machine learning course for candidates who already have a minimum of one year of Python programming experience. Its content is based on the University of San Diego’s Data Science program. It includes several videos, assignments, extensive notes, and a discussion board. This course will help you learn how to use ML models and launch them on cloud providers like AWS.

The course is structured about Introduction to RandomForests, Performance, Validation, and Model interpretation. Random Forest Deep Dive, Feature Importance, Tree Interpreter, Data Products and Live Coding, Extrapolation and RF from Scratch, Gradient Descent, Regularization, Learning rates, and NLP, Columnar Data, Embeddings, Complete Rossmann, Ethical Issues, etc.

  •  Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science by Udemy

This course helps You learn machine learning algorithms and how to create them in Python and R from two Data Science experts. It’s a hands-on course that includes a lot of code examples to do the practice. It will help you learn and master skills such as machine learning on R and Python, accurate prediction, robust machine learning models, machine learning for personal purpose, create strong added value to your business, specific topics like NLP, Deep learning, and reinforcement, advanced techniques like Dime.

  • Introduction to Machine Learning by Udacity

This free course provides you with theoretical and practical knowledge for machine learning. It makes machine learning easier and interesting to learn. It gives you programming experience in Python. This course’s key attraction is that it is provided by Sebastian, the man behind self-driving cars. These are some of the best machine learning courses that can help you become an expert in machine learning. So opt for any course that suits your pace and requirements and land your career in the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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