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5 Newest Digital Marketing Trends For 2020


Today, many marketing strategies and technologies that have been successfully used over the past years are outdated and do not work with maximum efficiency. Therefore, in 2020 many companies are preparing for the inevitable changes, and they apply the newest, more effective marketing technologies.

Be prepared to use new marketing technologies to develop your business: now we will tell you about the latest trends in internet marketing 2020!

You can use a huge variety of marketing tools and follow the latest trends, but it’s hard to succeed in developing business without having a professionally-made website.

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      1.Hello, Siri: the voice search

A huge part of today’s web traffic comes through the voice search. Marketing gurus have already implied this tool to the top trends of brand promotion 2020.

So, the main approaches to optimizing the site for voice search are:

  • the use of long colloquial phrases as keywords;
  • creation and improvement of the mobile version of the site.

The goal of the implementation of Google, Apple, Android voice search is to work for you, taking the top positions in the search results. To do that, you should:

  • study products and services and select the most relevant list of questions that users can voice when searching for products of this segment;
  • analyze your website and determine which methods have the greatest impact on search results;
  • explore Google trends and determine if it’s possible to implement popular search queries in your industry.

    2.Not an ad, but just a hint: native product integration

As practice shows, the correct implementation of content using the native integration method (without mentioning the price, seller and other advertising tricks) becomes the most effective and successful tool for promoting products.

The trick of native advertising is sharing information about a product or service on third-party websites in the most non-intrusive ways. It fits seamlessly into the website content and contains no calls to action.

How does this technology work if direct selling tools are not included in it?

Native integration allows the use of an unobtrusive mention of a brand, an image of a product (service), an invitation to participate in an event (contest) without the need to subscribe, go or “read more…”.

You can share such native publication, you can leave your comments – the more attention a post in the FB or Instagram attracts, the more chances the seller has to achieve success!

      3.Add some Virtuality: AR and VR integration

The interaction of the virtual world with the real world will be widely used in marketing in 2020. 

Already today, Instagram allows using filters that allow you to change hair color or makeup, try on clothes in the real-time. AR technology in the education sphere allows you to use the surrounding space to visualize any content.

The recently released Apple ARKit platform allows you to visually get in touch with the virtual world. Thanks to the application, you can:

  • find out the characteristics of surrounding objects;
  • read business cards;
  • recognize photos;
  • use a translator, etc.

    4. Interactive content

The first thing a marketing specialist should do is to determine the goals and problems of the target audience. This is the only way to create interactive content on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other sites that will attract a potential client.

Interactive content involves the user into the game, he actively participates in the actions on the page.


  • games and mini-games;
  • contests;
  • quizzes;
  • calculators;
  • puzzles;
  • mini-apps.

Also, you should try using interactive video content. The user becomes an active participant in the video he watches. With this approach, he is guaranteed to see and remember information about the offered product or service.

Interactive content includes some e-books. Here, everything works the same way: the customer takes part in the story as the co-authors.

5. Smart automated bidding strategies for ad campaigns

Smart strategies (Smart Goals, Smart List, Smart Google Display Network, Smart Shopping) can process dozens of signals at the same time, analyzing them and highlighting those that can lead to the greatest conversions. The specialist just needs to choose the correct strategy that will work best for him.

You should use automated bidding only after you have thoroughly analyzed the company. Depending on the results, you should choose one of the following smart strategies:

  • Smart Goals – a bidding strategy with machine learning. When searching for the most winning bids, it takes into account such parameters as session time and the number of pages viewed during this period, the device and browser, that were used, and geolocation options. Machine analysis of the signals that scored the most points allows you to create smart goals that are relevant to use in different cases: for projects with a high cost of production and low conversion (for example, selling luxury real estate) and for new projects with no conversion statistics.
  • Smart List includes a remarketing audience – a list obtained by analyzing conversions and signals. Using machine learning, Google Analytics identifies users who are more likely to convert during the next session. Analyzing the website traffic and conversion rates, the system analyzes the advertising campaign. If the information is not enough, the Smart List is created on the basis of the analysis of similar companies that provided their activities for processing data.
  • With the Smart Google Display Network, you no more need to manually target, calculate bids, or create ads. It is enough to upload brief information about the objects of promotion into the program and start working. The program creates ads and sends them out automatically. Smart media companies are created with pay per click or per conversion (the second option allows you to install more flexible daily budget management and bidding).
  • Smart Shopping uses bids that increase the value of conversions within the desired budget. You can run a smart shopping campaign in parallel with a regular shopping campaign and dynamic remarketing. This is the best promotion option for creating simple and display ads.